Employer's Responsibility To Provide Workers' Compensation
Talk To A Fresno & Visalia Workers' Comp Lawyer About Your Case
If you have suffered injuries in a workplace accident, it is important to understand both your rights and your employer's responsibilities. Employers have many obligations that they must fulfill under the workers' compensation system. If such requirements are not met, they can be fined and sued for punitive monetary damages. Speak with our Fresno workers' compensation lawyer for the legal guidance you need. After suffering a workplace injury or illness, you should be aware of the following responsibilities of employers:
Responsibility to Carry Insurance
Every California business that has employees possesses an obligation to provide workers' compensation benefits to employees who become injured. Employees can file a lawsuit against an employer in civil court or file a claim against an uninsured employer's fund if this responsibility is not met. -
Responsibility to Advise of Legal Rights
Employers have a responsibility to post notices that state employees' rights in visible locations that are frequented by employees. The notices should contain information regarding the employees' rights to receive medical treatment, the name of the workers' compensation carrier, and details about the available benefits under workers' compensation. -
Responsibility to Provide Claim Forms to Injured Employers
Employers have 24 hours to provide their injured employees with a workers' compensation claim form after the client has suffered injury. The employer will need to supply the employee with written information about injured workers' rights under the workers' compensation system.
Legal Guidance from Our Fresno Workers' Compensation Attorney
Another responsibility that an employer holds is to not retaliate against the employee for pursuing workers' compensation benefits. If your employer has violated any responsibility that he or she holds or any related law, our firm can remain by your side to protect your rights. Get the legal attention you need from our firm if you have suffered injuries as the result of a workplace accident or while performing a work related duty. Contact us today!